"The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean; not to affect your reader, but to affect him precisely as you wish." ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Friday, April 27, 2012

Anywhere But There

Mommy, drive me in the car,
But not to go shopping for clothes.
Drive me where the fun things are,
But not to go shopping for clothes.
Drive me fast or drive me slow,
Drive me to a movie show,
Drive me where I want to go,
But not to go shopping for clothes.

Take me to the grocery store,
But not to go shopping for clothes.
Take me to see your friend who's a bore,
But not to go shopping for clothes.
To the bank or to the zoo,
To the park to play with you,
Or even a doctor visit will do,
But not to go shopping for clothes.

~ Tamary Shoemaker
(From a prompt at NaPoWriMo to write a nursery rhyme.)

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